Congratulations to the
2023 Inductees!

Andy Birch
With his wife, Sarah, Andy has revived his family’s farm in the beautiful hills of Derby, VT.
Over the last ten years Andy has spent much time giving back to his coop and community.
Within his local community, Andy donates to the Red Cross as much as possible, even providing
healthy cheese snacks to other donators. His passion for Vermont’s dairy industry extends past
the Northeast Kingdom as voice of reason and ideas whenever called upon by groups ranging
from his own Young Cooperative Agri-mark program, The Orleans Country Farm Bureau, and to
the state house when important matters arise. Andy has always been very open about the current
state of dairy not only in Vermont, but Nationally when interviewed by USA Today and featured
in other ag news and blogs. This exposed rawness has earned Andy a trusted and respected voice
that Vermont dairy farmers are thankful to have!